nipple confusion // freezing BM???

These few days Ellie has been rejecting the bottle if I'm the one feeding.

She takes it albeit after a lot of coaching, if it is from someone else.

Wah this is unknown territory for me since Taylor never had this problem. As long as there's milk, she doesn't care whether it is from the breast or bottle.

Onto happier news…

Ellie is exclusively on BM now! I didn't note the day as I didn't want to jinx it but it has been a while and I even freeze 2 bags yesterday as the fridge is getting a little crowded.

Hoping to slowly build up my stash but am also facing a freezer space problem hmmmm.

Any tips for freezing BM and things to look our for? Again, I'm clueless. I BF Taylor till 9 months+ but had to supplement occasionally.


I just suddenly remember that today is Valentine's Day but all I can think about is breastmilk hahahahaha #pumpingnow

I'm glad to see so many regulars still updating as usual!

Reading @/awriann post about how hearing childbirth stories out her off giving birth reminds me how of my gynae's nurses told me to stay off forums and not read any horror stories!


I remembered a colleague who was pregnant a year after me was listening to another colleague's horror birth story where one gynae visit showed that her fluid was low hence she had to do csect. U forgot what's the horror part cuz I refuse to dwell on it.

When I heard that conversation, I quickly reassured my pregnant colleague that not all births are like that and in fact, a lot of people have very fuss free births like mine!

In fact, that's why I decided to have a second kid hahaha.

Why Dayre 💔💔💔

I checked dayre the most often these days because nobody knows me in person here. Reminds me of the days when I had my xanga account.

It's been so fun reading through the different tags and learning so much from the community here.

I kind of know that this is coming but I didn't expect it to be so sudden! Like wtf was that sticker sale about? Seriously super lame.

Half hesitating if I should sign up for steller or just post everything on IG.


I survived the first night without Nanny!!!

Feeling a little like zombie now but I know Ellie sleeps rather well when I read through other #dayremummies posts.

She finally slept at 930pm, but woke up around 10pm so I patted her and she fell asleep quite quickly again.

She woke me up with her stirring at midnight so I fed her (is it considered dream feed since she didn't even open her eyes?) and slept again.


Then at 330am she was stirring again so I fed her. But wasn't so lucky this time round!

From 4am to 5am she kept whining after I put her down. There was once when she even opened her eyes and kept looking around and I was thinking to myself siao liao hahaha.

But I managed to settle her at 5am after latching again zzz. So we slept till 7am though it was not super restful as she kept moving around in her sleep!

Ellie is super cranky today. Is it because she knows that the nanny is leaving??

Thinking of the nanny's imminent departure brought some tears to my eyes.

It is not easy having to live with a stranger and trusting her with your baby for a month. The past one month has been made easier with her help.

Not saying that she is perfect, but she is better than the past nannies I've had so I really appreciate her assistance.

Ok nanny left! Shall not be emo anymore

Reminding myself to look on the bright side, for eg going out whenever I want, showering whenever I want and eating whatever I want!

Also telling myself that I can do this 💪🏻

After all, I survived taking care of Taylor alone without any help and T traveling. This time round, I have a helper!! So shouldn't be that bad right?

Yay! Good news from the govt this morning that baby bonus will be in soon.

I am ashamed to say that we are running a little lower than I would like with our flexi cash because of all the year end expenses plus the birth of Ellie obviously.

I don't even log into my favorite shopping apps these days in an attempt to control my spending. But cc spend is still quite high for household stuff.

Because I googled how much salmon can I eat in a week

So why so many people against farmed salmon?!

Reading all the conflicting points has made me opt for sustainably farmed salmon these days. It's more expensive but also taste better than the John doe salmon at the wet market.

Important to know for pregnant women or nursing moms.

#dayrepregnancy #dayremummies

Watching Terrace House Aloha State makes me want to go to Hawaii so badly!

Every now and then, I would remind T that my retirement dream is to own a beach house and nua in front of the beach everyday.

I got this idea when we went to Great Ocean Road.

T would remind me of Melbourne's terrible weather and the many known and unknown pests lurking in Oz.

T's retirement dream is to stay in SG hahahaha.

The only place he is willing to go to is US.

So Hawaii can be my new retirement dream la!

#dreamonly #hulaeveryday