sleep regression

Wah how come I didn't know about this dress from Uniqlo given that I stalk their website so regularly?

Took this from a magazine in May so I am guessing it's not available anymore.

Today is the only off day I'll have to myself out of this 5 day break so I've scheduled a pedicure and massage. The rest of the days I have to entertain my boss (Taylor) hahahaha

Even though I had to squeeze with her again last night on her bed, I didn't feel so grumpy knowing that I didn't have to go to work the next day.

Speaking of which, I'm really torn between whether to reprimand her seriously and go cold turkey or continue to sleep with her if she request.

She has been sleeping in her own room ever since she turned 1.5 years old but in the past month, she will wake up in the middle of the night and ask either one of us to sleep with her!

It's not that she never woke up previously but as she was in a cot when she was younger, we would just go in and pat her and go back to our room after.

But now that she's 3.5 yo and we changed to a single bed for her after she turned 3, we will sometimes just sleep with her till the morning.

It used to happen infrequently but for the past few weeks it's almost every night!! 😭😭

I blame T because while he is very willing to handle any night wakings, he is also very lazy to come back to our room after settling her, or should I say that he just continues to sleep immediately when he goes in and settle her wtf.

So now she is used to having someone sleep with her which is not sustainable. I've tried brainwashing her that it's uncomfortable for her if I squeeze with her since she won't have that much space, and she retorted that it's very comfortable fml

I'm at a loss because…..

Half of the time I enjoy sleeping with her 🙈

The other half I get quite irritated if she's being extremely active throughout her sleep which means I get a lot of flying kicks coming my way.

Also because we have worked so hard on her sleeping independently that it's such a waste to let her continue with this regression!


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